
Method 1: Docker

Pull the latest docker image

$ docker pull hedgehao/lips-openni2-sdk

Run with following command to bridge USB and GUI between docker and host.

$ docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb/:/dev/bus/usb --device=/dev/dri --group-add video -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -e "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" hedgehao/lips-openni2-sdk

Method 2: Install Manually

1. Download LIPSedge OpenNI2 SDK from the release page

2. Extract files from the downloaded SDK file.

3. Install dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libopenni2-0 libopenni2-dev

4. Build OpenCV3.4 by executing opencv3.4.1_installation_in_linux.sh in the SDK folder.

$ sudo ./LIPS-Linux-x64-OpenNI2.2/opencv3.4.1_installation_in_linux.sh

5. Execute install.sh in SDK folder.

$ sudo ./LIPS-Linux-x64-OpenNI2.2/install.sh

6. Accessing camera video stream through NiViewer. NiViewer provide video streaming and some basic configuration. Right click in NiViewer to open configuration menu.


7. LIPSedge provide much more specific configuration. We will discuss about it in laster articles.

8. There are some handy tools to test your camera.

  • Ni2CameraMatrix: Access camera's parameters.

  • Ni2PointCloud: Camera point cloud view.

  • Ni2PowerTest: LIPS SDK supports a Standby Mode (Low Power Mode) for which users can stop live streaming temporarily and resume live streaming at any time by sending a status code through Ni2PowerTest.

Last updated